Loch Fleet NNR is a costal reserve on the north-east coast of Scotland, close to the community of Golspie. An extensive tidal basin fringed by a mosaic of coastal habitats and native Scots pine forest, Loch Fleet is an internationally important wildlife reserve.
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Moving with the tides
Do you have a passion for plants or a fascination for birds? Or maybe you want to see seals and otters? You’ll find them all at Loch Fleet National Nature Reserve (NNR). In many ways, you get three reserves for the price of one.
Loch Fleet is worth visiting at any time of year. Linger at the edge of the tidal basin at low tide, and watch hungry waders as they feed over the soft mud. Harbour seals bask on exposed sandbanks.
Walk along informal sand dune paths at Littleferry to enjoy wildflowers, bumblebees, butterflies and moths. Or wander along the old woodland path among pockets of rare pinewood plants such as one-flowered wintergreen.
Alternatively, relax on the reserve’s fabulous beach at Littleferry to experience peace and solitude.